Bright Ideas for Meal-Kit Delivery Service Promotional Items

It's no secret meal-kit delivery services are transforming the home-cooked meal experience. With so many new players popping up in the space, and free trials to taste-test each one, it's imperative to make a strong, lasting connection with your subscribers.

Since boxes of delicious goods are already being sent their way, why not slip in a surprise gift to show just how much you appreciate their business? Here are a few bright ideas to foster those connections with the help of unique promotional products.

1. Own the Experience

Branding items that are functional and appeal to a habit your audience has likely adopted will keep them using your promotional product regularly. Regular use of your branded merchandise will keep your brand top-of-mind, and serve as a reminder of the value your business brings to the consumer.

For example, for meal-kit delivery services like HelloFresh or Blue Apron, gifting items such as branded cutting boards, cooking utensils, dish towels or insulated food containers would allow their brand to own the entire cooking experience for their consumers. From meal-prep to post-meal cleanup, and even diving into those delicious leftovers the following day, with physical leave-behinds such as these, their brand can continue to bring value in the kitchen even after the food is cooked and served.

2. Include a Call-to-Action

Rather than simply handing out merchandise with your logo on it, hoping it will generate business by putting your name out there, include a call-to-action with the item to trigger an engagement with the recipient. Whether it be adding your social media handle to the design with language to "follow" or "like" your business for exclusive deals and updates, or featuring your website URL to prompt them to contact you when xyz runs out... giving them next steps will help nurture that lead into a lasting customer.

3. Be Original

Any marketer in your space can go online and search for "food promotional products" - or whichever industry you may be in - and come up with the same list of race-to-the-bottom ideas - food-shaped magnets and chip bag clips, pens, etc. And no doubt, your competitors are doing that. But, if you really want to make a lasting impression with your promotional items, stop focusing so hard on the theme of your industry, and start thinking in terms of your audience. Who are you trying to reach? If it's a younger demographic, what interests can you appeal to?

For example, if your recipe-kit delivery business is targeting younger audiences who are seeking a healthier diet, gift them with branded fitness trackers to appeal to their tech-savvy nature, and to promote that healthier lifestyle. Taking this approach will help your brand become an integrated part of their daily routine, beyond the core product or service you offer.

Ready to take a new, thoughtful approach to your company's promotional products? Contact us to speak to a branding expert. Let's work together to amplify the ethos of your brand, and emotionally connect with your audience.