How to Show Your Brand Identity Through Social Media

People all around the globe are using social media for much more than just posting updates on their lives. It has become a strong business tool that companies use to interact and engage with their audience now more than ever.

Building social media marketing into your strategy expands your reach to current and potential customers by showing large audiences who you are beyond your products and services, making it all the more likely to develop a lasting emotional connection.

Learn about how showing your brand identity through social media can amplify your marketing strategy and present your audience with an accessible pathway to finding the many things you have to offer them.

How social media can help you reach your goals

Among other benefits, mastering social media marketing for your brand can drive traffic, improve interactions with customers, create positive brand associations, and build trust between your brand and your audience.

Consumers want to know what makes you, you, before they opt-in to your company. Social media is a great medium to do just that. Different platforms give unique opportunities to showcase the personality of your brand and reach your audience in different ways.

The question is, how can you utilize social media to show who you are as a brand, what you do, and what makes you special?

Here are six tips on how to successfully show your brand identity and master the art of social media marketing.

6 tips to mastering social media marketing for your brand

1. Write out your goals

Whatever your goal may be — increasing sales, improving brand awareness, driving traffic to your website — it will change the course you may take with your social media strategy, so it’s a good idea to figure this out earlier than later.

Tackling this step early on lays out a foundation and gives a map of the big picture so that you can align your company goals, social media, and other aspects of your marketing strategy like your packaging, merchandise, and promotion for consistent execution.

2. Define your target audience

Defining your target market gives you insight into what kind of messaging your audience will respond to, what platforms they would most likely be looking on, and how you can connect with them on an emotional level.

3. Look at what your competitors are doing

When you do an analysis of your competitors’ social media profiles, look for things that you like and dislike, what seems to be working effectively, and where you can fill in the gaps to establish a competitive advantage.

4. Define your brand personality

Whether your brand is casual, formal, goofy, or unconventional, you want to show that to the world outside of the office. In order to establish a true connection with your target, they have to know who you are beyond the products and services you offer.

Write down descriptors of your brand as if it were a person you know— is it friendly? Is it innovative? Rational? Bold?

Once you have a solid list of your brand characteristics, develop a brand archetype to use to guide the way you present yourself on social media.

5. Create new content

Once you have a cohesive overview of what your goals are, who your target market is, what your competitors are doing, and what personality you want to present through social media, it’s time to create some content.

For example, if your goal is to improve brand awareness or brand loyalty, show your audience a side of your brand that they can relate with, laugh and talk about, and make an emotional connection to like you can see Denny’s did with their Twitter account.

6. Assess and evaluate

Once you have some content up and running, make sure to assess its effectiveness consistently.

Make sure to look at who is viewing and interacting with you on different platforms to check to see if you are reaching the right target market, if the interactions are converting to sales, and what platforms and messaging styles have been most effective to reaching your goals.

The great thing about social media marketing is that you can test out new things without spending all of your marketing budget, so don’t be afraid to experiment until you find the perfect strategy.

Aligning all aspects of your marketing strategy

Social media is a vital part of an expansive marketing strategy, but it’s important to integrate it with the rest of your marketing tactics to present your audience with a cohesive brand experience.

Find out more about how we can be your strategic brand partner and build a lasting brand identity.

Related: How to Market Your Business to the Instagram Generation